PGA Central New York Section


Central New York Section

822 State Fair Boulevard
New York 13209
(315) 468-6812
Fax: (315) 488-8268

Michael Doctor

C.J. Parry
Vice President

Mark Flurschutz

John Baker
Marian Burke
Dave Ferres
Bob McCarthy
Nick Serafino
Joe Tesori

Ron Stepanek
Executive Director

September 29, 1995

Mr. Kevin Compare
The Teaching Center
150 Woodlake Blvd.
Vass, NC 28394

Dear Kevin,

On behalf of the Central New York PGA, I would like to thank you for putting on the “Divot the Clown” clinic during the BC Open. I first learned about “Divot” in 1992 and have heard great things about the show ever since. Much to my delight, your masterful show of trick-shots incorporated with valuable golf swing basics exceeded all of my expectations. You have a special talent and highly professional show, and I am sure everyone in attendance shared my feelings.

Please extend our gratitude to the people at Spalding for all of their support. While your show was more than enough entertainment, Spalding’s donation of Top Flite golf balls and visors made this a truly special event.

Thanks again for putting on the clinic. If I can ever help you or “Divot”, please feel free to contact me.


Ron Stepanek
Executive Director

cc: Jackie Beck
Gary Hannum

Ron Stepanek, Executive Director; cc: Jackie Beck, Gary Hannum
