Florida Marlins Baseball Club


To Whom It May Concern,

This letter in all honesty has to deal with a clown. Not just a clown but in my estimation the greatest golfing clown in the world.

Kevin Compare puts on a show that no other clown or golfer can put together. Not only that but he is a fine gentleman. You will not be disappointed.

He has participated in my annual Sweet-N-Low gold tournament to benefit the Leukemia Society and also the Baseball Chapel golf classic which is to benefit the ministry for Major and Minor Leaguers along with their wives. In both instances he was a big hit.

If you also need him to participate as a normal golfer he has a pretty great game as well.

In all my years as a golfer your not going to meet or enjoy a better show than Divot the Clown aka Kevin Compare.

Hope someday you’ll enjoy him as we did.

Gary Carter
100 Northeast Third Avenue Third Floor Fort Lauderdale Florida 33301 305-779-3070 FAX 305-779-7130

Florida Marlins Baseball Club
